Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Early on the last day of Brazen Chariots

On the last day of Brazen Chariots, the small battlegroup centered around C Squadron, 3rd RTR, headed off towards the enemy position at Gazala. Robert Crisp instructed his radio operator to at least get the Stuarts on the net. He was not concerned that they had trouble talking with the Royal Dragoons. The sun rose red ahead on their course. They could see the enemy tanks and guns grow, as they got closer to Gazala. As they got close, Robert could see this enormous command vehicle. Robert thought that must be Rommel's captured AEC command vehicle that he had taken early in his first campaign. Rommel called it the Mammoth. The little force got within about two miles, seemingly without being noticed. They saw the artillery pointing east and noticed a Pzkw IV drive by, but the commander did recognize them, as close as they were. Robert had been able to stay in communication with the 3rd RTR commander, but could not reach the armoured cars or portees. Worse yet, he could not reach the Brigade major, Silvertop. This is based on the account in Robert Crisp's book, Brazen Chariots.

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